When you just can’t hang

That awkward moment when you’re sitting in class “paying attention” and start to hear heavy breathing next to you…

Falling Asleep

We all know that feeling when you’re in a funk due to the shenanigans that took place during your three day weekend. I’m sure many of you seniors can relate thanks to no Friday classes coming in clutch 😉 After a weekend full of partying, boozy brunching, and cramming for that midterm you remembered you have, staying awake in class can be a struggle.

Well… that’s exactly what happened to our dearest Cadet Captain Crunch today during our lovely lecture. As skillful as he was positioning his laptop just at the right angle where the professor wouldn’t see him, us fellow students saw exactly what he was doing. Without a doubt all our friends took a lovely Snapchat and of course, uploaded it to our stories within seconds. Oh the beauty of “IDGAF” during second semester of senior year…

Capt Crunch Sleeping


(Peep the laptop placement)

It’s okay Captain Crunch… We feel your pain.


The College Diva
